RNDr. Michal Procházka, Ph.D.
IT architect, Authentication and Access Control
Total number of publications: 73
Intelligent logging server
Year: 2010, type: R&D Presentation
User Centric Authentication for Web Applications
Proceedings of the 2010 International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems, year: 2010
Atlases jako poskytovatel služby ve federacích
Year: 2009
Central European Regional EMC2 meeting
Year: 2009, type: Workshop
Experiences with Massive PKI Deployment and Usage
Security adn Protection of Information, year: 2009
Fault-tolerant Access Control in Distributed Environment the MetaCentrum Authorization Infrastructure
Year: 2009, type: R&D Presentation
Framework for non-Web application integration - CAT
Year: 2009, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Grid-enabled Desktop
Year: 2009, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Ischemicko-reperfuzní poškození ledvin: Zpráva z videokonferenčně přenášeného kurzu 4th Belgrade up-to-date in Nephrology
Aktuality v nefrologii, year: 2009, volume: 15, edition: 2
Jak zlepšit využívání dostupných dat a vzorců ? Odpověd zní: MEDIGRID
Diabetologie, metabolismus, endokrinologie, výživa, year: 2009, volume: 12, edition: supplem. 1