We can no longer meet in person, which does not stop us from meeting at least digitally. That's why we decided to move our teambuildings to the online environment. What have we (so far) managed to do together?
Among Us - Is Somewhere Between Us
At the beginning of March, the ICS teambuilding team prepared an interesting activity, thanks to which our colleagues could embark on a journey through space using the popular online game Among us. But there were hidden saboteurs among the players, who tried to get rid of the other members of the crew inconspicuous ways. They succeeded a few times, but the ICS crew finally managed to arrive in good health thanks to IT technicians repairing the ship. You know - with quality IT you will fly the farthest :)
Gartic.io - Creativity and Imagination
April teambuilding was about creativity. We tried out the online game Gartic.io and added a bit - how else - IT themes. We have found that even the words we use on a daily basis, such as MS Teams, ServiceDesk, research, Office 365 or home office, are not so easy to draw, it's even harder to guess! However, the creativity and imagination of the competitors showed and the professional concepts became masterpieces (see below).
Dubnový teambuilding byl ve znamení kreativity. Vyzkoušeli jsme si online hru Gartic.io a přidali trochu – jak jinak – IT tematiky. Přišli jsme na to, že i slova, která používáme na denním režimu, jako je MS Teams, ServiceDesk, výzkum, Office 365 nebo home office, není tak jednoduché nakreslit, o to ještě těžší uhádnout! Projevila se ale kreativita a představivost soutěžících a z odborných pojmů se stala mistrovská díla (mrkněte níže).
Perhaps the situation will soon improve, but until then we will have more online activities, thanks to which we will at least slightly replace the fact that we can not meet in person. See you at the next teambuilding! :)