Project information
Deposition of thermomehanically stable nanostructured diamond-like thin films in dual frequency capacitive discharges
- Project Identification
- GA202/07/1669
- Project Period
- 1/2007 - 12/2011
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
- Standard Projects
- MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Science
- doc. RNDr. Vilma Buršíková, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Oto Brzobohatý, Ph.D.
- doc. Mgr. Pavel Dvořák, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Daniel Franta, Ph.D.
- prof. RNDr. Josef Havel, DrSc.
- prof. RNDr. Jan Janča, DrSc.
- prof. RNDr. Vladislav Navrátil, CSc.
- doc. Mgr. Zdeněk Navrátil, Ph.D.
- prof. RNDr. Ivan Ohlídal, DrSc.
- doc. Mgr. Pavel Sťahel, Ph.D.
- prof. RNDr. David Trunec, CSc.
- doc. Mgr. Lenka Zajíčková, Ph.D.
- Keywords
- PECVD, dual frequency capacitive discharges DF CCP, nanostrukturovaný DLC, termomechanická kapacita
- Cooperating Organization
Institute of Nuclear Physics
- Responsible person RNDr. Vratislav Peřina, CSc.
- Responsible person Ing. Jaroslav Sobota, CSc.
- Responsible person Mgr. Petr Klapetek, Ph.D.
The aim of the present project is to develop a new deposition system based on application of dual-frequency capacitive plasma (DFCCP) for preparation of themally stable nanostructured diamod-like carbon (NDLC) films. With combination of high frequency excitation (ensuring plasma stability and its high density) and low frequency excitation (controlling the ion energy) we will achieve controlled growth of NDLC films. The objective of the study is to find the optimum combination of the high and low frequency (continuous or pulsed) excitation enabling to cover uneven and stepped substrate surfaces and significant lowering of the internal stress in films. Complex diagnostics and computer simulation of the DFCCP are planned in order to understand the processes of the film growth. The NDLC films will be exstensively studied from the point of view of their structure (RBS, ERDA, TOF ERDA, HRTEM, SEM etc.) as well as properties (micro- and nanoindentation, elipsometry, spectrophotometry, etc.). Moreover, the thermal stability of NDLC films will be studied using thermal desorption spectroscopy.
Total number of publications: 70
Mechanical Properties of Ultrananocrystalline Thin Films Deposited Using Dual Frequency Discharges
CHEMICKÉ LISTY, year: 2011, volume: 105, edition: CHLSAC 105
Reaction of higher harmonic frequencies on thin films
Year: 2011, type: Conference abstract
Band structure of diamond-like carbon films assessed from optical measurements in wide spectral range
Diamond and Related Materials, year: 2010, volume: 19, edition: 2-3
Determination of electron density and temperature in a capacitively coupled RF discharge in neon by OES complemented with a CR model
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, year: 2010, volume: 43, edition: 50
Development of transparent protective coatings on polycarbonate substrates using PECVD
Year: 2010, type: Conference abstract
Diagnostics of reactive magnetron sputtering
Year: 2010, type: Conference abstract
Diagnostics of reactive magnetron sputtering
Year: 2010, type: Requested lectures
Effect of nitrogen incorporation on mechanical properties of DLC coatings on metallic substrates
Year: 2010, type: Conference abstract
Higher harmonic frequencies in capacitive discharges
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 55 (2010), CTP142, year: 2010
Higher harmonic frequencies in capacitive discharges
63rd GEC and 7th ICRP - Conference Proceedings, year: 2010