Project information
Czech Republic membership in the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics
- Project Identification
- LA09016
- Project Period
- 3/2009 - 12/2012
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
- MU Faculty or unit
- Faculty of Informatics
- Keywords
- ERCIM, CRCIM, mathematics, informatics
Zajištění vlivu České republiky na směrování aktivit evropského výzkumu v oblasti informačních a komunikačních technologií a aplikované matematiky.
Total number of publications: 196
Towards a Digital Mathematics Library: On the Crossroad
DML 2011 Towards a Digital Mathematics Library, year: 2011
Vyhledávání a analýza popisujících výjezdy hasičského záchranného sboru
Sborník konference Znalosti 2011, year: 2011
Access Rights in Enterprise Full-text Search
ICEIS 2010: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Volume 1: Databases and Information Systems Integration, year: 2010
Automatic source code transformations for strengthening practical security of smart card applications
Sborník příspěvků z 36. konference EurOpen.CZ, year: 2010
CesTa k ochraně čipových karet
Data Security Management, year: 2010, volume: roč. 14, edition: 4
Data Enhancements in a Digital Mathematical Library
DML 2010 Towards a Digital Mathematics Library, year: 2010
DML 2010 workshop
Year: 2010, type: Conference
Document Engineering for a Digital Library: PDF recompression using JBIG2 and other optimization of PDF documents
Proceedings of DocEng 2010 conference, year: 2010
Document Engineering for a Digital Library: PDF recompression using JBIG2 and other optimization of PDF documents
Proceedings of MEMICS 2010 conference, year: 2010
Document Engineering for Digital Libraries (invited talk 5.11.2010,Portsmouth University Computing Seminar,UK)
Year: 2010, type: Requested lectures