Prevence kouření na 2. stupni ZŠ, projekt DDD. In ŽALOUDÍKOVÁ, I., HRUBÁ, D., ROTREKLOVÁ, I., ŘEZÁČ, J., KACHLÍK, P., ČECH, T. (eds.) Normální je nekouřit-V. díl pro 5. třídu základní školy. Program podpory zdraví a prevence kouření pro mladší školní věk (7-11 let) [CD-ROM].


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Title in English Smoking prevention in the primary school, the Project DDD


Year of publication 2011
Type Survey and educational texts
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Elementary school pupils are among the population groups at risk of addictive behavior. Often the them experiment with addictive substances associated with curiosity, adventure, influence groups, social immaturity, finding limits. With suitable forms of preventive action should start at the family, school applies nonspecific prevention first, then specific. For school children were assembled the Project DDD, which consists of 20 lessons in the form of worksheets for children and methodological sheets for teachers and lecturers. On a pilot sample of 300 students was verified that the project is effective, it has been approached by schools in the South Moravian Region.
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