Životní cyklus kurzu v LMS Moodle

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Year of publication 2012
Type Teaching aids, texts (including individual chapters in textbooks)
MU Faculty or unit

Institute of Computer Science

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Description The methodological manual covers individual steps, advice and teaching tips that are needed for the creation, setup, management, and reuse of courses in LMS Moodle. Firstly, it describes in detail how to create and set up a basic version of the course in a number of modes: thematic, chronological or discussion mode. It explains the difference between the normal enrolment and meta course setups. The manual also explains how teachers can set their students' access to the course and how to communicate the necessary information. It also contains basic information about creating accounts in the system, sets of roles in individual courses, and how to work with groups. It also deals with navigation, discusses the best layout of each item in the outline of the course and explains how to work with sideblocks. The last part describes a step-by-step backup of individual modules and whole courses, how to update versions and how to reset the course for subsequent use in the next run.
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