Museum Visitor - Our Addresse


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Title in English Museum Visitor -Our Addresse


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Museologica Brunensia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Art, architecture, cultural heritage
Keywords museology; museum; visitor; exhibition; communication
Description The paper deals with museum visitors from the museology point of view. In addition to attention given to the forms and ways of museums communication, equal attention should be given to its recipient. Museum visitors can be classified by different criteria. Visitor satisfaction is influenced by a whole range of factors, primarily the scenic design, the possibility to choose between group and individual visits, visitor - friendliness of the exhibition, etc. The personality of museum expert or guide in a museum may have a critical impact on the visitor s (un)acceptance of the exhibition. The effect a museum exhibition has is most often assessed by means of observing its visitors, making focused inquiries, questionnaire surveys and visitor interviews.
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