Multifunkční lavice pro vzdálené experimenty

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Title in English Multifunctional Bench for Remote Experiments


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Dnešné trendy inovácií
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords remote laboratory physical experiments ises optical bench hooks law
Description Remote laboratories are one of the most discussed features used in distance learning of science. This article is focused on the presentation of the multifunctional bench, the device enabling the creation of the experiments which are not possible to make by using commercially-available products. The description of the construction and function of the bench together with the brief description its development can be found in the first part. Practical applications of the multifunctional bench in the teaching of physics are discussed in following parts and there are also a few suggestions of remotely controlled experiments using the bench. Remote experiments Hook’s Law and Optical Bench are presented in the last part of the article.
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