Techniky nostalgie : ohlédnutí za přednáškami Andrease Böhna a Tomáše Dvořáka


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Title in English Technics of nostalgy : overview of Andreas Boehn and Tomáš Dvořák speeches


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source TIM ezin
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web představení zásadních tezí přednášek na téma média a nostalgie
Field Mass media, audiovision
Keywords nostalgy; memory; art; new media; analog media
Description The aim of this article is to present main theses of Andreas Boehn speech Culture memory and Nostalgy: media, technology and art. I want to inspire reader to finding nostalgic themes in culture. I am going to present the speech of Tomáš Dvořák: Figures of memory in contemporary art. The autor dedicated it to manners, in which contemporary art intervent to culture and collective memory.
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