Nové mincovní nálezy z dolního Podyjí v kontextu raně středověké Moravy

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Title in English New coin finds from the lower Dyje (Thaya) River region in the context of early medieval Moravia


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Archeologické rozhledy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords numismatics; coins; south Moravia; Early Middle Ages
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Description The article evaluates medieval coins from the end of the tenth century to the beginning of the thirteenth century, found over the past decade in the lower Dyje (Thaya) River region (the southeast part of the Czech Republic) during both terrain excavations and surface surveys with the use of a metal detector. The assemblage of more than 170 coins is an important source for learning about monetary circulation in Moravia at the Early Middle Ages. Finds of individual coins were especially rare until recently. Five coins from the Kostice – Zadní hrúd site and the surrounding area date to the second half of the tenth century. These were mostly coins struck before 976, thus far the only ones from the lower Dyje River and Morava River regions, including adjacent Austrian parts of the Danubian Basin. Coin finds from the first half of the eleventh century indicate the prominent role of Hungarian coins in the structure of currency in Moravia. Numerous coins of domestic provenance, minted mostly by the Olomouc Přemyslids, start appearing in the middle of the 11th century.
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