Možnosti aktivizace seniorů a vymezení základních přístupů k osobám s demencí v seniorském věku


This publication doesn't include Institute of Computer Science. It includes Faculty of Education. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English Possibilities of Activation of Seniors and Basic Approaches to Individuals with Dementia in Old Age


Year of publication 2013
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description In the whole world the population is getting older, the number of people in the old age is thereby increasing. One problem of many which brings this development is the increasing occurrence of dementia. The number of people who need more and more help from their surroundings as time goes by is growing. Today we don’t concentrate only on care; we also focus on the support and activation of these persons and their relatives. The suitable approach is important, it must be individual, respecting and person-centred. Therapy, reminiscence, validation or the multisensory stimulation are examples of the approaches used with this group.
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