Inkluzivní didaktika v základní škole se zřetelem na edukaci žáků s lehkým mentálním postižením


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Title in English Inclusive Didactics in Elementary School with Regard to the Education of Students with mild Intellectual Bisabilities


Year of publication 2013
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Education of individuals with disabilities is one of the important topics. It should be noted that more and more professionals at home and abroad believe that pupils with disabilities need tiered educational support. The main topic of the book is a complex analysis of the issue of education of pupils with learning disabilities – pupils with mild intellectual disabilities in inclusive education. The theoretical chapters introduce the basic knowledge concerning the issue related to the definition of philosophical, methodological, axiological, normative, and historiographical bases with emphasis on the inclusion of pupils with disabilities, specifically with mild intellectual disabilities. The objective of research was to analyse factors affecting inclusive education of pupils with mild intellectual disabilities in mainstream schools. Focus was set on the specification of supportive measures used in the inclusive classroom, monitoring indicators of the effectiveness of inclusive education of pupils with mild intellectual disabilities.
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