Možnosti studia antropogenních změn říční sítě na příkladech z povodí Sázavy a Svitavy


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Title in English Possibilities of Studying Anthropogenic Changes of River Networks Using Exaples from the Sázava and the Svitava River Catchments


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Životné prostredie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords anthropogenic changes; river bed; quantification human impact; protected areas
Description The paper is focused on the observation anthropogenic changes of river network in the Sázava and the Svitava Upper River Basins and impact of these changes on the water regime and the landscape character. Four categories of these changes were elaborated on the basis of field research and studying of geodata: I) channel straightening, II) bank reinforcement with stones and plants, III) bank reinforcement with stone wall, and IV) piped watercourse. Study areas are important from the point of view of surface and underground water. To intensive interventions in the natural river network were performed in model areas in recent history although they are part of the natural water accumulation. The most interventions were associated with large land consolidation, with the construction, and development of settlements and roads. In these hydrologically important areas were modified more than half of watercourses. The paper aims to show specific categories of anthropogenic interventions in the river network and highlight the need a sensitive approach to these changes associated with a number of adverse impacts, not only in protected areas.
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