ClassificatorScript - Aplikace pro zpracování surových dat z dvouparametrického spektrometrického systému

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Title in English ClassificatorScript - Application for processing raw data from two-parametric spectrometric system


Year of publication 2014
Type Software
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

web ClassificatorScript
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Description The application ClassificatorScript is used to processing raw data from spectrometric system FD-11 SOHAJ. Input data is able to read from file from disk or catching UDP packets direct from spectrometric system FD-11. Data processing consists of elimination of low frequency noise, fusing two signal branches with different amplification, calculation of energy of detected particle and computing the discrimination parameter. During the data processing the statistic data is stored and evaluated. Based on this statistic data it is possible to check the state of spectrometric system and diagnose the possible failure. It is possible to send the processed data using UDP packets or store to discrimination matrix.
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