Characteristics of bright ab-type RR Lyrae stars from the ASAS and WASP surveys


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Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Astronomy and astrophysics
Keywords methods: data analysis; techniques: photometric; stars: horizontal branch; stars: variables: RR Lyrae
Description In this article, we present results based on high-density, high-precision Wide-Angle Search for Planets (WASP) light curves supplemented with lower-precision photometry from the All-Sky Automated Survey (ASAS) for 268 RR Lyrae stars (176 regular, 92 Blazhko). Light curves were Fourier-decomposed and coefficients from WASP were transformed to the ASAS standard using 24 common stars. Coefficients were then compared with similar data from Galactic globular clusters, the Galactic bulge and the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC and SMC). Using Fourier coefficients, we also calculated physical parameters via standard equations from the literature. We confirmed the results of previous authors, including lower amplitudes and longer rise times for Blazhko stars. It was found that in the R31 versus R21 plot the location of a star depends mainly on its metallicity and that Blazhko stars prefer a different location from modulation-free stars. Field and globular cluster RR Lyrae variables have a different phi21 and phi31 from stars in the LMC, SMC and Galactic bulge. Although there are some weak indications that Blazhko stars could tend towards a slightly lower metallicity and shorter periods, no convincing proof was found. The most interesting highlight is the identification of a very recently proposed new group of metal-rich RR Lyrae type stars. These low-luminosity, metal-strong variables, comprising both Blazhko and regular stars, have shorter periods and about 180 K higher temperature at constant (B-V)0 than the rest of the stars in the sample.
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