3D vizualizace modelů terénu pomocí webových technologií


This publication doesn't include Institute of Computer Science. It includes Faculty of Science. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English 3D visualization of digital terrain models using web technologies


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborník příspěvků ze symposia GIS Ostrava 2015 - Současné výzvy geoinformatiky
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

web http://gis.vsb.cz/gisostrava/cz/index.php
Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords 3D visualization; digital terrain model; web cartography; X3D
Description Considerable amount of technologies enabling the visualization of 3D data in a web browser is currently available. However problems experience for most of them when rendering large data sets such as terrain models. This paper is focused from this point of view on the technology X3DOM. X3DOM uses for storage of spatial data structure of the X3D format, so terrain models can be saved here through elements IndexedFaceSet and ElevationGrid. There are also different ways how to store digital terrain models more economically in X3DOM, this option utilizes elements such as BinaryGeometry or ImageGeometry. Both elements are based on binary storage of 3D data. Another option is BVHRefiner element, which is a component that adaptively refines the terrain model and dynamically loads the individual parts of the quadtree. Open source tools BVHRefiner Dataset Converter and AOPT, a component of InstantReality framework, were used for optimization of terrain models. Methods of storing digital terrain models are compared in term of data size as well as their rendering speed. Two different data structures used within the element BVHRefiner, so called TREE and WMTS (Web Map Tile Service), are mutually also compared. The conclusion summarizes the findings and suggested possible future directions.
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