Fantastická literatura v českém kontextu jako výzva literární vědě

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Title in English Fantastic literature in Czech context as a challenge for theory of literature


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Česká literatura
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Mass media, audiovision
Keywords fantastic literature; family resemblances; pure fantastic; fantastic as a mean of expression
Description The aim of the study is to characterize fantastic literature in a broader context and outline two types of it with regard to its approach to fantastic elements and extratextual context. After demonstrating complications associated with attempts to define fantastic literature we separate fantastic from historical and personal (delusions) angle and in relation to mythic and religious texts. Then we introduce an intuitive definition of fantastic literature using the concept of Ludwig Wittgenstein´s family resemblances. Subsequent division into pure fantastic and fantastic as a mean of expression illustrates the different use of fantastic elements by authors connected to the fantastic community (fandom) and outside of it, it refers also to cognitive extratextual criteria significantly involved in the evaluation of fantastic works and to unsteady boundary between the two categories. Finally, we draw attention to the relationship between fantastic and other literature from a perspective of the theory of fantastic literature and its frequent underestimation of non-fantastic literature as a mere description of reality. Fantastic literature is presented here as a complex phenomenon within literature and not as a genre literature targeted to specific group of readers.
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