Surface dielectric barrier discharges initiated using liquid electrodes

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PAVLIŇÁK David GALMIZ Oleksandr ČERNÁK Mirko ZEMÁNEK Miroslav BUČEK Andrej

Year of publication 2015
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description The water plasmas generated by atmospheric discharges have already demonstrated their potential also for surface modification of polymer materials and are emerging as a very flexible concept to generate selective functionalized polymer surfaces. We have developed a novel type of surface dielectric barrier discharge generating thin layers of visually diffuse plasmas along the treated polymer surfaces using water-solution electrodes. The technique has been designed particularly to achieve uniform treatment of outer surfaces of polymeric tubes and other hollow bodies usable in medicine (for example PTFE tubes, catheters, blood containers) that is a serious challenge for atmospheric pressure plasma processing. In our work we focused on functionalization of polymeric surface, grafting with biocompatible materials and increasing their novel properties.
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