Jaká je role postkomunismu? Volební geografie České a Rakouské republiky v letech 1990-2013


This publication doesn't include Institute of Computer Science. It includes Faculty of Social Studies. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Does Post-communism Matter? The Electoral Geography of the Czech Republic and Republic Austria in 1990-2013


Year of publication 2015
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description This book deals with electoral geography of the Czech Republic and Austria. The main aim of the book is to answer a question whether the post-communist character of society influences ways in which the regional patterns of electoral support have been established. In the searching for the answer, several steps are conducted – the variability of electoral results of parties is evaluated, the regions with high support in long-term perspective are localized, the temporal stability of electoral support is evaluated and, first of all, the analysis of relations between social structure and electoral results of parties is conducted. The analysis is based on theory of cleavages. Several methods are employed for the mentioned goals – coefficient of variation, Gini coefficient, delimitation of area of stable electoral support, correlation analysis and regression analysis. Conclusions of book confirmes that the post-communism influences the electoral geography of political parties. There are several reasons for such a claim. Firstly, the composition of party systems differs between the Czech Republic and Austria. There is no party as KSCM in Austria and vice-versa, party equivalent to Grüne is missing in the Czech Republic. Secondly, electoral support of Czech parties is less stable than in the case of comparable Austrian parties, because of lack of tradition of post-communist parties. Thirdly, relations between society and parties were weak at the start of 1990s in the Czech Republic. Later, the results of regression analysis are similar between both countries, but they are still less stable in the Czech Republic than in Austria.
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