Influence of life traits and hybridization on parasite community structure in roach (Rutilus rutilus) and common bream (Abramis brama) hybrids

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Year of publication 2015
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Existence of the fish hybrids is well documented and the hybrids generally represent the object of recently published ecological, immunological and evolutionary studies. Creation of the hybrid fish with new futures inherited from parental species is representative new habitat for the parasite. The hybridization may disrupt the system of co-adapted host-parasite genes and affect parasite resistance in fish. However, the temporal variability and density dependent processes of the host populations may influence the parasite infection. Metazoan parasites were collected during spring and autumn 2011, 2012 and 2013 from the common bream (Abramis brama), roach (Rutilus rutilus) and their respective hybrids. Parental and hybrid fish were identified following the molecular (mitochondrial cyt b gene and 9 microsatellite loci) and morphological characteristics. This study was focused to compare the parasite infection in parental and hybrid fish and to detect the effect of hybridization and influence of hybrid maternal origin on parasite infection. On the basis of cytochrome b sequence analysis a total of 6 mitochondrial haplotypes in roach and 12 mitochondrial haplotypes in common bream were identified. The hybrids of both maternal origins were identified (5 haplotypes of roach and 8 haplotypes of common bream).Our analyses revealed the significant effect of hybridization on the parasite abundance. Parasite diversity was higher but parasite abundance was lower in hybrids when compared to each of the parental species. Both specialist parasites of two parental species and generalist parasites were presented in parasite communities of hybrids. However, concerning the highly specific parasites of Dactylogyrus genus, the hybrids harbor the specialists of roach but the occurrence of common bream specific Dactylogyrus in hybrids was restricted. Significant differences in parasite abundance and parasite species richness were observed between hybrids of different maternal origins. The significant effects of season fish group (including the categories common bream, roach and hybrids) and year of collection on the composition of the metazoan parasite communities were found. The effects of the fish group and sex on the fish condition were found. The analyzed measures of non-specific immunity were not affected by fish group.
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