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This publication doesn't include Institute of Computer Science. It includes Faculty of Arts. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English Parental Engagement in Reading Activities with First Graders


Year of publication 2016
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description This contribution is devoted to the presentation of first data from the research about parental engagement or involvement in reading activities with their first grade children. Specifically, it focuses on how mothers help their children in the first grade to learn how to read. Data from a longitudinal one-year study were used, namely semistructured interviews with 10 mother-child dyads. Afterwards I plan to analyze also several audio recordings of reading activities of each dyad. The approaches of mothers to reading activities with their children are undergoing development, starting with a moment of awareness how the reading is usual ability for them but on the other hand slow and sometimes difficult for the child. Maternal engagement or involvement in reading activities then evolves with respect to several family resources, which mothers at that moment have available: their reading aspirations for their children, experiences with reading progress and troubles of their children, information from the teacher and friends and also their experiences with pedagogical processes.
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