Problematika rizika látkových závislostí u vzorku prezenčních studentů Masarykovy univerzity


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Title in English The issue of the substance dependency risk among a sample of full-time students at Masaryk University


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Teoreticko-praktické pohľady na problémy súčasnej spoločnosti. Zborník recenzovaných vedeckých prác s medzinárodnou účasťou
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords questionnaire; addictive substance; attitude; university; research; knowledge
Description The search for identity and the limits are typical traits of university students. Adapting to the university environment not always take place easily, places considerable demands on accountability, planning, self-discipline, concentration and relaxation. Stressful moments can some people deal with substance abuse. The aim of the study was to assess the incidence of substance abuse and attitudes towards habit-forming substances in a sample of students at Masaryk University. Using the University Information System was obtained a sample - almost 10,000 full-time students from 9 faculties. Respondents were approached by anonymous questionnaire with standardized core targeted on experience with both legal and illegal addictive substances such opinions and attitudes towards them. The obtained data were subjected to statistical analysis (x2 test) in programs EPIINFO and Statistica. The most commonly consumed in the file belonged to alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, hemp products and hallucinogens, especially magic mushrooms. Men drank more alcohol regularly, occasionally women, almost three quarters of respondents admitted it during the last week. Tobacco smoked in the last week almost 40% of people. Experience with black coffee, 80% of the group, saw half of it in the last week. Marijuana in the last month consumed 16% of the sample, more men, hallucinogens, 0.5% of respondents, more men again. At least one experience with so-called hard drugs admitted less than 5% of those surveyed, more men. In the sample was from illegal substances reported consuming cannabis products, to a lesser extent, hallucinogens, depressants and dance drugs. Contacts with "hard" drugs were mostly type of of the experiments. On the faculties of actiwas detected activity by drug dealers. She spotted a high level of personal immunity syndrome, which is also reflected in reckless attitudes of respondents to a number of risk activities.
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