Survey : Perception of the changing linguistic landscape by the Purkyně University students and its implications


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Year of publication 2016
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description This contribution is a project within the sociolinguistics domain focusing on the interaction of mother tongue with another foreign language. Particularly, it targets Czech native speakers and their stance towards the English language as one of the most prominent symbols of the globalized world. The aim of this paper is to contrast the data collected via an online survey among Purkyne University students with the poststructuralist account of language and identity and to contextualize it within the framework of second language learning motivation. The poststructuralist account is used to explain the motivation behind learning a new language as an investment in order to secure better access to power via the so called linguistic marketplace. Here each language is perceived as having a certain symbolic value, convertible into economic and social values. Language in general and mother tongue specifically is here understood as one of the core foundations of one’s multi-layered identity. For this reason, it can be hypothesized that as the global culture inherently demands English language competence, it plays a crucial role in how young people approach their first and second languages and how these aspects in turn leave an imprint on their identities.
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