Which traits influence the frequency of plant species occurrence in urban habitat types?

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Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Urban Ecosystems
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

web http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11252-016-0588-3
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11252-016-0588-3
Field Botany
Keywords city; Europe; Ellenberg indicator values; plant traits; regression tree; seed bank; urban ecology
Description Plants in cities must cope with various anthropogenic environments that differ from surrounding landscapes. Moreover, the differences in biotic and abiotic conditions among these habitats filter species with suitable traits and niche requirements. Here we aim to identify those attributes that promote species occurrence across and within urban habitat types of large cities. Species composition of spontaneously occurring vascular plant species was recorded in 1-ha plots in seven different urban habitat types in each of 32 European cities. Each species was characterized in terms of dispersal type, growth form, height, seed bank longevity, seed mass, selected leaf traits and ecological indicators including Ellenberg indicator values, Grime’s life strategies, and immigration pathways using information from available species trait databases. For each species, total frequency of occurrence across all plots and habitat frequency of occurrence across plots of given habitat types were calculated and regression trees were used to relate them to traits and ecological indicators. The most frequently occurring species in the cities tended to be human-dispersed, nutrient-demanding plants that prefer drier to mesic soil conditions. These species do not possess the S-strategy and usually produce seeds of low mass forming short-term persistent seed banks. Habitat-specific responses were also revealed, indicating the effects of between- and within-habitat heterogeneity on trends in species performance in cities. Such patterns can be overlooked when differences in species occurrences in particular urban habitat types are not considered; thus, habitat-specific responses can resolve inconsistencies found when whole urban floras are analysed as a whole.
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