Expresivní terapie se zaměřením na výtvarný a intermediální projev


This publication doesn't include Institute of Computer Science. It includes Faculty of Education. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Expressive therapy focused on visual and intermedial creativity


Year of publication 2016
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Specialized publications Expressive Therapies focusing on art and intermedia expression discusses the current state of the art therapy in a broader context and in interdisciplinary contexts. The individual units are dealt with the following topics: Art Therapy and artistic creation, expression in therapy, art, art art brut and art therapy activities, Fundamentals of creative thinking in therapy, art syncretic etude as a means of art therapy work, group creative activities in art therapy, creation - case reports analysis and interpretation, Intermedia in art therapy, building and assemblage in art therapy project in art therapy. Although the author's personal experience embodied primarily in creative art therapy speeches, overall width is wider publication. Almost every chapter provides links to nevýtvarným artistic fields. Importance of inter- and intermedia art therapy for detail is summarized in a chapter called directly Intermedia in art therapy.
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