Translating Maximization Inventory Into Czech Language


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Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference AKTUÁLNE PROBLÉMY PODNIKOVEJ SFÉRY 2016 Zborník vedeckých prác
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Economy
Keywords Scale; questionnaire; translation; adaptation; maximizing; maximization inventory; satisficing
Description Individuals differ in their approach towards decision making, including consumer choice. Some, Maximizers, aim to select the best alternative available, regardless of time and effort spent. Others, Satisficers, are comfortable selecting "good enough" options. Maximization Inventory is a self-assessed scale that that ranks respondents in three subscales: Decision difficulty, Alternative search and Satisficing. Having this scale available allows researchers and practitioners to understand consumer behaviour and motivations more in depth. This paper delivers theoretical background for understanding what Maximization is and describes the process of translating the Maximization Inventory scale into Czech language and selecting relevant scales to test for construct validity.
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