Využití spektrometrie laserem buzeného plazmatu LIBS pro prvkové mapování


This publication doesn't include Institute of Computer Science. It includes Faculty of Science. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Utilization of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy LIBS for elemental mapping


Year of publication 2016
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Many industrial processes require chemical homogeneity and structure monitoring of the input materials or final products. Although a large number of methods for elemental mapping available, Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) is at the forefront for its flexibility, simplicity and versatility. LIBS represents a relatively simple way for fast chemical microanalysis (even in situ or remotely in stand-off configuration). The immediate response of the signal, the minimum requirements for sample treatment and the possibility of contactless analysis in air or other environment imply its exceptional status. Not surprisingly, no other technique can provide all the advantage of LIBS, especially for stand-off or in-situ analysis. LIBS elemental microanalysis applications are due the portability and robustness of instrumentation also predetermined to use in industrial applications, geology or environmental science. Scan analysis by LIBS is usually performed as sampling of series spaced points in one or two directions. Recently, LIBS has been applied successfully also for depth profiling analysis of many kinds of layered samples. Short wavelength lasers enable production of small beam spots and tightly focused pulses produce the best lateral resolution. However emission intensities are usually low especially for minor and trace elements. Double pulse technique significantly enhance signal even if small amount of material per pulse is ablated. Therefore double pulse LIBS instrumentation equipped with UV ablation laser and IR laser in reheating mode seems to be suitable system for achieving low detection limits with high spatial resolution. Ablation chamber then enable further improvement of figure of merit using atmosphere of noble gas.
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