Omamné a psychotropní látky v univerzitním prostředí


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Title in English Narcotic and psychotropic substances in the university environment


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Prevencia najčastejšie sa vyskytujúcich chronických neinfekčných ochorení. Zborník príspevkov z vedeckej konferencie 39. Dni zdravotnej výchovy MUDr. Ivana Stodolu
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords questionnaire; information; habit-forming substance; risk; attitudes; student; survey; research; university; use; dependence; health; knowledge
Description Obtaining information on addictive substances at University held an anonymous questionnaire. The questionnaire included basic identifiers and 21 items focusing on experience with legal and illegal psychotropic substances, the age of first contact and frequency of use. When data collection was used the information system of the University. Were approached by all full-time students, the total was obtained data from 9,993 respondents, of which 4,039 men and 5,954 women. The data were electronically recorded, then statistically analyzed by computer programs EPIINFO and Statistica for Windows. Significance of differences between groups were evaluated using the X2 test. The most commonly consumed illicit substances in the investigated group belonged to alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, hemp products and hallucinogens, especially magic mushrooms. Men drank alcohol more regularly, occasionally women, almost three-quarters of respondents admitted it during the last week before the study. Almost 40% of respondents had smoked during the last week. The regular consumers of black coffee included more women, half of the respondents saw her during the last week. Marijuana in the last month consumed 16% of the entire sample, significantly more men. At least one life experience with so-called "hard" drugs had less than 5% of the population, more men, the first contacts occurred between 15 to 18 year and in early adulthood. Most often they motivate respondents to use drugs friends, partner and casual acquaintances, reason for usage was primarily the recognition of others and curiosity. For most readily available marijuana has been reported, relatively easily obtainable dance drugs and hallucinogens. In the reference sample were recorded from illegal substances consumption of cannabis products, to a lesser extent hallucinogens, depressants and dance drugs. Contacts with "hard" drugs were mostly isolated nature of the experiments. Faculties activity being detected by drug dealers.
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