Reflections on ICT Innovations of an Online Literatura Course


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ZITA Antonín

Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source CASALC Review
MU Faculty or unit

Language Centre

Field Linguistics
Keywords ICT; innovation; online course; developing student skills; course development
Attached files
Description The article discusses the ICT innovations implemented in an online literature course. The course American Literature Civil War to Present was taught byl Professor Amy Earhart at Texas University for three semesters. During the last two semesters the author served as her teaching assistant. The course was a joint project the Department of English (DoP) and University Writing Center (UWC) with the aim to convert a face-to-face course into an online course. In addition, the goal of the course was to improve students´ collaboration and research skills synchronize with UWC tutors. Using an analysis of results from the spring 2012 semester, combining it with the author´s experiences as a teaching assistant during the following two semesters and providing a closing report by DoP and UWC on the succesfulness of the project, the research provides valuable information on improving online course through best practice and writing center tutors.

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