The relationship between transformational leadership and engagement : Self-efficacy as a mediator


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Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Leadership Studies
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web článek na stránkách časopisu
Field Psychology
Keywords engagement; self-efficacy; transformational leadership; leadership; mediation
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Description The present study investigated whether followers’ self-efficacy mediates the relation-ship between a transformational leadership style and followers’ engagement. 307 Czech employees evaluated the transformational leadership of their superior and their own work-related self-efficacy and work engagement. Of the 4 compared structural equation models, the model in which self-efficacy partially mediates the relationship between transformational leadership and engagement fitted best. The relationship between trans-formational leadership and self-efficacy showed to be weak, whereas the relationship between self-efficacy and engagement appeared to be moderately strong. A mediation analysis reported weak indirect effect of transformational leadership on engagement through self-efficacy. However, direct effect of transformational leadership on engage-ment was strong. Self-efficacy explained only a small portion of the relationship be-tween transformational leadership and engagement. Current research findings expand theories explaining changes in engagement and the mechanism of how transformational leadership influences leadership outcomes.
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