Mechanismy psychoterapeutické změny u psychosomatických potíží : Pohled napříč přístupy

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Title in English Psychotherapy change mechanisms in psychosomatic problems : Looking across theoretical orientations


Year of publication 2018
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description There are currently many psychotherapeutic approaches explicitly focused on working with psychosomatic issues. Based on an analysis of available literature (87 articles, chapters, and books), we identified seven groups of psychotherapeutic approaches: (1) "classical" cognitive-behavioral therapy, (2) third-wave cognitive behavioral approaches, (3) psychoanalytic and psychodynamic approaches 4) interpersonal approaches and approaches based on mentalizaiton and attachment, (5) humanistic, experiential, and existential approaches, (6) family and systemic therapies, and (7) approaches based on reattribution. Using qualitative analysis of this literature, we try to answer the question of what these approaches have in common and whether we can formulate general mechanisms of psychotherapeutic change.
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