Mezi učitelstvím a youtuberstvím : profesní sebepojetí učitelů publikujících vzdělávací videa na YouTube


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Title in English In-between teaching and YouTubering : Professional self-concept of teachers who publish educational videos on YouTube


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pedagogická orientace
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords teacher’s self conception; YouTube; educational video; teacher’s self-esteem; multiple case study; netnographic methodology
Description Video sharing has become a growing practice. YouTube in particular has a great amount of users, including educators. This study aims to explore professional self-concept of YouTube using teachers who engage in the production of educational videos. To accomplish this, a multiple case explanatory study is used. To collect data on teacher’s perspectives, semi-structured interviews were used. Two extreme cases of teachers active on YouTube were selected. Important was the criteria of information-rich YouTube channel with large publishing and viewing activity. To triangulate different data, Netnographic methodology is used, so data published on teacher’s YouTube channels could be examined. The qualitative analysis was based on a grounded theory approach. The analysis showed perception of self as a successful teacher and high self-esteem as dominant aspects of teacher’s professional self-concept influenced by activity on YouTube. Teachers Adam and Ctirad started to use YouTube to provide for their student’s educational needs. Appreciative reactions to Adam’s and Ctirad’s educational videos from other YouTube users, not just Adam’s and Ctirad’s students, made them change their behaviour on YouTube. Pleasant emotional experience based on the communication with viewers confirms their professional self-conceptions as teachers.
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