Premena indickej tradície advaita védanty v českých zemiach vplyvom pôsobenia komunistickej diktatúry


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Title in English A change of the Indian tradition of advaita vedanta in the Czech lands due to the influence of the communist dictatorship


Year of publication 2018
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description In my presentation, I focus on transformation of Indian spiritual traditions of Czech occultists and yogins under the influence of communist dictatorship. Important factor for spreading and maintaining occult and yoga teachings in the period before Communism in the Czech lands were well accessible occult and religious literature and public lectures. However, the begining of communist dictatorship interrupted these activities and made them less accessible. How is it possible that the tradition of Indian spiritual teachings survived this period? In what ways was this tradition transformed by the period of Communism?
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