Presbyteriánska cirkev na Taiwane - základné predstavenie cirkvi


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Title in English The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan - Introductory Presentation


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Nový orient
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web abstrakty k článkom z Nový Orient 2018/2
Keywords Christianity; Protestantism; Taiwan; Presbyterian Church in Taiwan;
Description The main aim of the article is to introduce Presbyterian mission in Taiwan. At first, the very first Christian missions to Taiwan are described. Subsequently, the development of Protestant missions, particularly the Presbyterian mission, is portrayed. Presbyterian mission in Taiwan has been influenced by various historical events. Japanese colonial era, the annexation of Taiwan to China, the arrival of nationalists after losing the civil war, the declaration of martial law ... Taiwanese inhabitants as well as the Presbyterian Church have faced all of these events. The church needed to adapt and respond to these circumstances. And finally, under the pressure of political and social development in Taiwan, the Presbyterian Church has become a political activist supporting Taiwan's interests. The article attempts to briefly present this process.
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