IC studium retenčního chování aniontů

Title in English Study of Retention Behavior of Anions Using Ion Chromatography

ZIMA Lukáš FARKOVÁ Marta LUBAL Přemysl

Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Cena Karla Štulíka 2018
web http://www.ccsss.cz/index.php/ccsss/issue/viewIssue/15/26
Keywords anions, ion chromatography, optimization of analytical method
Description This contribution deals with the study of retention behaviour of anions by ion chromatography. The mixtures of selected anions were analysed on the Metrohm 861 Advanced Compact IC ion chromatograph. The influence of temperature and pH on anion separation was studied. Under the optimal conditions, the calibration was performed, and real water samples were finally analysed.
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