Networks of Alchemical Symbols : Selected Early Prints from Bohemia


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VOZÁR Zdenko

Year of publication 2019
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

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Description Until now, alchemical texts were almost neglected in further computational processing and advanced analysis. To uncover the important concepts we need to delineate precise workflow and methodologies. On the selection of texts pertaining to John Ticinensis, late medieval alchemist - possibly from Bohemia, I would demonstrate, that precisely these texts are very suitable for a range of quantifiable analytical methods. Their digitisation, either of rare early prints or modern critical editions, could give us the principal corporal basis on which we could develop important insights on their semantic value as well as their evolution. Comparing “Bohemian” tradition with other texts largely disseminated throughout western Christendom will lead to the precise identification of symbolic representations in alchemical textual tradition spanning more than half millennia.
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