Scheduling & routing by constraint programming & heuristics


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MURÍN Stanislav

Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Proceedings of the Doctoral Program of the 25th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

web Doctoral program proceedings of CP2019 conference
Keywords Scheduling; Vehicle routing; Constraint programming; Metaheuristics; Dynamic problem; Clustering
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Description Industrial applications of vehicle routing introduce challenging problems to be solved by many companies nowadays. Our goal is to find routing and schedules for orders coming from different customers while minimizing financial cost in contrast to more classical travel distances. The financial aspect plays an important role, given the common unavailability of the actual data for costs of transportations. The overall optimization process can profit from the consideration of several customers with their vehicle fleets at the same time. Even more, using financial costs allows handling external transport providers without actual routing for them, and taking them into account using only their cost instead. Also, the dynamic aspect of the problem must be considered as new orders are coming each day, and changes may need to happen to original orders or vehicles. Altogether this constitutes a large scale problem where efficiency of applied techniques is very important. Our solution approach will be relying on a combination of constraint programming with heuristic or metaheuristic approaches. The important role will play an intelligent clustering of the problem based on characteristics of particular orders and vehicles.
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