Psychoterapeuti chybují II : O čem mluvíme, když mluvíme o nezamýšlených a negativních účincích psychoterapie?


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Title in English Psychotherapists fail II : What do we mean by talking about unwanted and negative effects of psychotherapy?


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Psychoterapie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web článek - open access
Keywords unwanted effect; adverse event; side effect; failure; unsuccessful psychotherapy
Attached files
Description The study represents the first attempt to formulate the basic concepts and terms in the course of exploration of negative effects of psychological treatment in the Czech psychotherapy. The study focuses on: unwanted effects, adverse events, side effects and unsuccessful psychotherapy. The variables on the client’s side and the factors on the therapist’s side are in the play concerning the negative events and consequences in therapy. In psychoanalytic tradition the negative therapeutic reaction had been formulated in the past. Psychotherapist himself/herself might became a risky factor in psychological treatment. Saxon et al. (2017) explored obvious differences in drop-out among therapists. Today, we have first classifications of unwanted effects given by researchers in the field. The study presents classification recently offered by Schermuly-Haupt et al. (2018). In addition, the study gives a list of often emerged adverse effects of psychotherapy.
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