Chyby při zjišťování přívodu energie a živin


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Title in English Measurement error in energy and nutriet intake assessment


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Výživa a potraviny
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords dietary assessment; measurement error; misreporting; underreporting
Description The choice of the type of assessment method may influence the results. One of the main sources of error in dietary assessment is misreporting, comprising both under- and overreporting. Misreporting represents a severe error in the estimation of energy intake (EI), but also in that of other nutrients. It is difficult to establish misreporting but even when it has been identified, it is unclear whether or how these data may be interpreted and used. Relationships between dietary intakes and diet-related diseases could consequently be obscured or confounded. Before deciding whether to exclude data affected by misreporting it is necessary to know more about whether low-energy reporting is a random event in the population, who it affects and any bias resulting from it. The paper is trying to summarize and facilitate a better understanding of the problem of misreporting by describing measurement errors in dietary assessment resulting in under- or overreporting. It provides information that may be used to minimize this error.
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