‘The image of Adam’s Glory’ : Observations on the early Christian tradition of luminosity as iconic garment


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BOGDAN G. Bucur IVANOVICI Dan-Vladimir

Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source RIHA Journal
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web https://www.riha-journal.org/articles/2019/0222-0229-special-issue-paradigms-of-corporeal-iconicity/0224-bucur-and-ivanovici
Keywords body; light; Adam; desert ascetics
Description The imagery of the "radiant body" and "luminous garment" occurs frequently in early Christian references to the Edenic state of Adam and its partial reinstatement by Moses, Jesus, and numerous saintly (usually ascetic) figures. This article offers a synthetic presentation of these traditions, sketching out its main articulations, its biblical-exegetical foundations, its points of continuity with the apocalyptic traditions of the Second Temple Era and parallels with the Rabbinic tradition.
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