Living on the Edge : Landscape and Settlement Structures along the Danube Tributaries


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FÁBIÁN Szilvia GUBA Szilvia LARSSON Nicklas SALISBURY Roderick TÓTH Peter CZIFRA Szabolcs

Year of publication 2019
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Two small scale archaeological prospection projects and their results will be presented and compared, both using primary non-destructive archaeological methods. The first research area is located in the microregion around the site Těšetice (Czech Republic). It is defined by an area between rivers Únanovka and Jevišovka belonging to the Morava river basin. The goal of the prospection is to understand the settlement structure and landscape development focusing on the components from Prehistory (especially the Neolithic). Since the prospection is not centred on detecting settlements only, our ambition is to detect various economic activities around them as well as to assess how extensive was the knowledge of Man about the economic potential of his surrounding. The second research area is located in Northern Hungary, geographically and geopolitically in a border region, in the Ipoly Basin which separates the Slovak Ore Mountains from the northern foothills of the North Hungarian Mountains. The Ipoly Szécsény Archaeological Project collects data and analyses settlement patterns for the Neolithic (and Prehistoric) period of a smaller geographic area (Szécsény basin, which is located in the middle course of the Ipoly river) using interdisciplinary and non-destructive archaeological methods. At the local level, we examine the identifiable connections between smaller communities (settlements), the geo-geomorphological environment of the sites and their regularities. At the regional level, we try to determine - mainly based on import findings - the quality and direction of long-distance connections in different prehistoric times. Our presentation is about analysing the possible roles of the main river courses from the Neolithic period to the Iron Age. Also, we try to outline some of the possible routes for the transportation of archaeological finds (e.g. raw materials for stone tool production) and of people carrying these finds (or of migrating communities).
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