Stará viera v novom šate : Moderné pohanstvo vo svete a na Slovensku


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Title in English Old Faith in New Body : Modern Paganism in world and Slovakia


Year of publication 2020
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description It is still comomm to hear somebody to swear "Do Paroma" in Slovakia even in 21th century. Parom is nothing else than form of name of pre-christian Slavic god of weather Perún. The old pre-Christian Slavic Slovak faith is not dead as we could assume after thousand years of dominance of Christianity in the space of contemporary Slovakia. Euro-atlantean society is withnessing renewed interest in pre-Christian faiths of European nations. Modern Paganism is still rather small religious movement, divided into many branches, but number of hs followers is raising since 80s steadily. Which are the most popular modern Pagan movemets in Slovakia? How does faith of modern Pagan looks like and in what is their faith different from Christianity?
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