DSM (degradable starch microspheres) - embolizační materiál rozšiřující možností transarteriální chemoembolizace jater


This publication doesn't include Institute of Computer Science. It includes Faculty of Medicine. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English DSM (degradable starch microspheres) - embolization material expanding the possibilities of transarterial chemoembolisation of the liver


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Česká radiologie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

web http://www.cesradiol.cz/detail.php?stat=718
Keywords hepatocellular carcinoma; transarterial chemoembolisation; survival analysis
Description Objectives: The potential use of DSM-TACE as a salvage therapeutic option in patients with primary liver malignancy unsuitable for further DEB-TACE. Methods: 16 patients (2 women; median 70.7 years) with hepatocellular carcinoma originally treated with DEB-TACE (1-7 sessions, median 3 sessions) were treated with DSM-TACE (EmboCept, PharmaCeptGmbH, Berlin, Germany) for disease progression, impossibility of selective application or intolerance of DEB-TACE. The primary endopoints of the study were the determination of overall survival and time to progression to advanced stage of HCC (Kaplan-Meiertest). Priorto DSM-TACE treatment, HCC was presentin unilobary liver disease in 8 patients and bilo bary in 8 patients, liver cirrhosis was in 12 patients (9 Child-Pugh A, 3 Child-Pugh B), and thrombosis of the portal vein branches in 2 patients. Response to DSM-TACE was evaluated on post-contrast CT according to mRECIST criteria. Results: A total of 34 DSM-TACE sessions (median 2 per patient) were performed. One anaphylactic reaction has been reported. Other serious intra and periprocedural complications were not observed. After initial treatment with DSM-TACE, complete response was obtained in 4, partial response in 6, stable disease in 4, and progression in 2 patients. During the follow-up period (27-1001 days, median 287 days), progression to advanced stage of HCC was achieved in 8 patients (4 HCC progression, 1 v. portae thrombosis, 3 performance status deterioration). The median time to progression was 16.8 months, median overall survival from 1.DSM-TACE was 22.3 months, median overall survival from l.TACE was 36.1 months. Conclusion: DSM-TACE is another therapeutic option in patients who can no longer be treated with DEB-TACE.
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