Možnosti začlenění expresivní terapie do pedagogické práce se středoškolskou mládeží


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Title in English Possibilities of integrating expressive therapy into pedagogical work with high school youth


Year of publication 2019
Type Conference
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

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Description My dissertation work based on many years of pedagogical practice of a teacher with a focus on art education and at the same time the counseling activity of an educational counselor deals with the possibility of including expressive therapies in pedagogical work with high school youth. The aim of my explanatory research is to draw attention by drawing and image of the pupil's insight into the issues concerning secondary school pupils in Ostrava and its surroundings Beskydy, as a group of adolescents most often endangered from the environment of their home. For students there are signs of fatigue, apathy, self-harm, lack of concentration and lack of interest in studying. They have an increasing problem with verbal communication. In connection with the observation of students, I am in as part of explanatory research, which is focused on practice, she performed pedagogical diagnostics drawings, with the help of which I looked for the causes of problems of students who other than with the help of drawing do not communicate. I present the obtained drawing with information and the image of the student's problem, according to recommendation of the methodology of leading psychologists, as a material for further investigation into the hands experts. The drawing here forms an important article for the rapid mediation of information without which would not otherwise occur. I compared data collection with theoretical studies and sought substantiated methodological contexts and similarities in the field of art education. Part of the research was also the study of art therapy, pathopsychology and etopedy, as it works requires an educational counselor. The work was also based on works of art by leading artists originating from the Ostrava region and adjacent parts of the surroundings pointing to the context of the current families and pupils in the Moravian-Silesian Region. Comparison of works of art with contemporary works i Pupils' pictures prove that the issues I am opening in my research are profound justification with reference to the economic context of this region. The practical part contains proposal for a school garden and proposals for art etudes in the form of the use of expressive therapies focusing on art therapy in practice. The work should serve as a basis for promoting the possibility inclusion of expressive therapies in teaching at secondary vocational schools and to focus on cooperation of teachers with educational counselors and school psychologists. Related with the research of the dissertation contains a professionally focused methodology on inclusion due to cooperation between the work of a teacher and an educational counselor for a justified understanding of the pupil behavior and its health limitations in everyday work. The conclusion of the thesis draws attention to the professional education in the field of psychology and offers questions for further solutions for academia. The appendix of the dissertation is documented by the demanding content of case studies with drawings of pupils, proving that creative work with young people in secondary vocational schools is serious worsens in any way. At the same time, however, it is a possible guide to think about how to contribute to improving the quality of pedagogical work and improving the position of the pupil in school. Issues related to high school youth is a society-wide phenomenon, an image of our society. Creative approach on these issues could be of benefit to their future development, which should be actively supported. Carried out research in the form of collected data in the form of up to 200 photographs, drawings and the output of the presentation in PowerPoint or in book form can serve as a methodological handbook for special workers in education and counseling with a focus on work with youth. Research should help to develop support programs for young people, aimed at improving her mental health and leading her to creative work.
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