‘Copy and Paste’ in the Iron Age : Stamped Pottery between Local Production and the Continental Scale


This publication doesn't include Institute of Computer Science. It includes Faculty of Arts. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Unite´ et diversite´ du monde celtique : unity and diversity in the Celtic world : actes du 42e colloque international de l'AFEAF (Prague, 10-13 mai 2018)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Iron Age; stamped pottery; "Celtic" art
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Description Stamped pottery developed through the La Tene period in several disparate regions of Europe from Portugal to Romania. Owing to its uneven distribution, this pottery raises the issue of scales of integration in the surprising diversity within the unity of the Celtic world. La Tene art is often approached as a unitary phenomenon simply from the consideration of prestige objects, attributing to the elites the responsibility for maintaining coherence in La Tene visual repertory. The study of the deployment of stamping as a technique for conveying standardised images at the continental scale allows the (re)production of these codes to be approached within regional assemblages. Analysis of the practice of stamping on pottery within temperate Europe and the Iberian Peninsula shows that it developed suddenly at a variety of local scales during the 5th century BC, and thereafter evolved in sometimes converging, and sometimes diverging patterns across its different production areas. The evolving patterns in this artistic production seem to have been triggered by major social changes, thus explaining their contemporaneous appearance across the continent.
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