Near-infrared Polymethine Dyes for Targeted Biomarker Detection


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Year of publication 2020
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Fluorescent dyes have a wide scope of use in life-sciences and medicine, most commonly as imaging agents, either alone, or in connection with antibodies in immunofluorescence experiments. Biological tissues absorb visible light and a tissue-transparent window (TTW) in the near-infrared (NIR) region is preferred for imaging purposes. This is particularly true in the fluorescence image-guided surgery. Polymethine dyes are good candidates for applications in the TTW and their properties can be tuned by changes in the polymethine chain length and substituents. We chose the indocyanine green (ICG) as an initial model as it is the only NIR dye certified by the FDA for use in clinical medicine. It is usually used as a dye with very limited selectivity, but when conjugated to an antibody, it can also be used for specific visualization of a biomarker of interest. We chose the carbohydrate antigen (CA) 19-9 as a promising target because it is already successfully used in the diagnosis and monitoring of treatment outcome in patients with pancreatic cancer. First, we labeled the mouse anti CA 19-9 antibody with the ICG NHS ester. The conjugate was successfully tested in a microtiter plate-based fluorescence immunoassay. Testing of the conjugate for detection of CA 19-9 in cell lines and tissue sections follows. We aim to develop a platform for assessing the performance of the newly synthesized polymethine fluorescent labels in complex biological systems.
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