Russian Disinformation Threat : Comparative Case Study of Czech and Slovak Approaches


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RECHTIK Marek MAREŠ Miroslav

Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Comparative Politics
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web JCP no.1/2021
Keywords disinformation; Russian Federation; securitization; energy relations; rational model
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Description This comparative case analysis focuses on the approaches of the Czech and Slovak governments to Russian disinformation activities, with particular attention to the securitization of the threat. The paper argues that the extent of energy relations with Russia plays an important role in the securitization of the threat posed by the said state. It employs a rational model of policy-making to better understand the rationale for the decisions of the actors leading to the different approaches taken by the governments of the examined states. The analysis shows that while the Czech approach seems to be driven mostly by security interests, in Slovakia, the economic goals are of primary importance, with the primary factor being the importance of energy relations with Russia. The Czech approach is considered as an appropriate one in this paper, as it allows for more objective threat assessment and consequently better preparedness and resilience, whereas a rather pragmatic approach of Slovakia leads to increasing vulnerability of disinformation activities.
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