Srovnávací studie právních informačních systémů: rozdíly mezi systémy při využití různých vyhledávacích strategií

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Title in English Comparative Study of Legal Information Systems: Differences between Systems Using Different Search Strategies


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Revue pro právo a technologie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access časopisu
Keywords legal information retrieval; search strategies; comparison
Attached files
Description Use of legal information retrieval systems is a common part of every lawyer's life. In principle, it is possible to use two approaches to searching: mediated and non-mediated. As a part of the mediated search, we rely on the context provided by the provider of the information system. This might entail assignment of document with particular topic or labelling court decision as related to particular provision. As a part of the non-mediated search, user relies on herself. She formulates full-text queries to search expressions representing the issue at hand. In this text, I focus on comparison of results provided by legal information systems ASPI, Beck-online and Codexis in response to comparable search queries employing both mediated and non-mediated search. The introduction and the literature review is followed by part dedicated to research questions. The fourth part described the method used to compare the sys- tems and the data used for the comparison. In the fifth part, I describe the results and the sixth part is devoted to discussion of these results in wider context. The last part presents a conclusion and contains recommendations regarding the selection of search strategies. In conclusion, use of different systems for mediated search leads to significant differences between systems. On the contrary, when including non-mediated search (full-text queries), results provided by individual systems are more similar to each other, but generally less precise compared to mediated search.
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