Rezension von: Pehnke, Andreas (Hg.): Willy Steiger (1894-1976), Vom Zeitzeugen des Völkermords an den Armeniern zum Reformpädagogen und Schriftsteller. Biografie und Werkauswahl. Markkleeberg: Sax Verlag 2019

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Title in English Review on: Pehnke, Andreas (ed.): Willy Steiger (1894-1976), Witness of the genocide against the Armenians, reform pedagogue and author. Biography and edition of his writings. Markkleeberg: Sax Verlag 2019


Year of publication 2020
Type Review
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description While historical educational research has recently dealt more and more with the social and ideological classification of the phenomenon of reform pedagogy, Andreas Pehnke's 712-page book about the previously little-known Saxon reform pedagogue and teacher Willy Steiger makes a contribution to the source-oriented examination of reform-pedagogical school- (and teacher) reality.
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