Fast and High Precise Spatial Documentation of Traffic Accident Site Using Only Low-Cost RPAS


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Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Applied Sciences
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords RPAS; traffic accident documentation; aerial photogrammetry; 3D model
Description Traffic accident documentation worldwide is generally done by conventional methods (e.g., surveying wheel and steel tapeline) followed by sketch and plan creation. These conventional methods are time-consuming and inaccurate; therefore, they can possibly be replaced by advanced modern methods, using the remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS) for obtaining data, as well as the structure from motion (SfM) for processing. For the proof of concept, we designed and performed an experiment using low-cost multi-rotor RPAS on an arranged traffic accident involving three cars. The result of this experiment was an accurate 3D model with the possibility of precise measurement. The differences in distances and reference objects’ dimensions were in general below 1% compared to real values. The presented method is time-saving (requiring 85% less time), more precise, and more efficient compared to conventional methods. Moreover, it allows better data reusability, thus is very suitable and can be recommended for usage in routine situations in traffic accident documentation.
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